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When you first set up your Analytics account, you’ll be asked to choose whether you want to track a website or a mobile application. Depending on your choice, Analytics will display instructions to add the correct code to collect your data.

If you’re tracking a website, then you will receive a piece of JavaScript code that you must add to every page of the site you want to track. It’s best to add this code to the top of the page, before the closing head tag. If your website uses a template, then you can add the code directly to that site template.

If you’re tracking a mobile application you will download a mobile software development kit, or SDK, and share it with your development team. There’s an SDK for the Android platform as well as iOS.

Once you add the code to your site, you should start to see data immediately in the Real-Time reports.

Another way to add the Analytics tracking code to a site is by using a tag management tool, such as Google Tag Manager.