Hastags for Business Development

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I’m sure you’ve seen them — those little phrases at the end of Twitter updates or Pinterest posts that seem to “tag” the post with a keyword like #marketing or #socialmedia. Hashtags are more prevalent than ever. Even the last episode of American Idol encouraged viewers to comment using no less than five different hashtags! Currently, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google+ all support hashtags and Facebook is rumored to be including them in the near future.

When you feel as if you haven’t quite mastered social media, incorporating hashtags into your social media marketing campaign can feel like a bit of a mystery. It is worth mastering their nuances, however, because hashtags actually hold immense marketing power. When wielded appropriately, they not only help you connect with your targeted consumer demographic, but can also actually boost your business revenue.

Understanding Some Hashtag Basics

By definition, a hashtag is simply a phrase or specific keyword with a “#” placed in front of it. That’s it. However, don’t let the simple process fool you – that seemingly innocuous number sign can deliver some major promotional punch. Social media platforms use the hashtags to help online users follow trending topics, as well as generate and contribute to discussions about the specific topics that the hashtag is attached to.

For small businesses owners, hashtags can not only help you track and gather information from your followers, but can also offer countless other relevant online conversations to participate in to help further brand reach and overall exposure – a marketing win/win!

Tips For Successfully Using Hashtags In Your Online Marketing Campaigns

Some of the best ways to effectively incorporate hashtags in your business’ online marketing strategy include:

Facebook Embracing The Power Of The Hashtag?

Another important reason to master the science behind this all-mighty online icon? The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Facebook is testing whether or not to incorporate hashtags, giving business owners yet another opportunity to see, be seen and, most importantly, be found by the ever-searching consuming public. Hashtags, when combined with the new Facebook search feature, could be a powerful marketing tactic.

Have you used hashtags in your social media marketing? Do you use them more for searching or do you include them in your own posts?